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How to Send Email from Linux Command Line using SSMTP (Ubuntu, Gmail, AWS) ?

Sending emails from the command line is a handy skill for system administrators and developers. SSMTP (Simple SMTP) is a lightweight solution for sending emails from the command line using an SMTP server. In this guide, we will explore how to set up and use SSMTP to send emails from a Linux system, specifically Ubuntu, using Gmail and Amazon AWS as SMTP servers.

What is SSMTP?

SSMTP is a simple and lightweight utility that allows you to send emails from your Linux command line. It is designed to be easy to configure and use, making it an ideal choice for sending automated emails or notifications from scripts and applications.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sending Emails Using SSMTP

1. Installing SSMTP

First, you need to install SSMTP on your Ubuntu system. Open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ssmtp

2. Configuring SSMTP

Once installed, you need to configure SSMTP to use your SMTP server details. The configuration file is located at /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf. Open this file in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

3. Configuring SSMTP for Gmail

To use Gmail’s SMTP server, add the following configuration to ssmtp.conf:


Replace username@gmail.com with your Gmail address and yourpassword with your Gmail password. For enhanced security, consider using an App Password generated from your Google account.

4. Configuring SSMTP for Amazon AWS SES

To use Amazon AWS SES as your SMTP server, add the following configuration:


Replace your-aws-email@example.com with your verified AWS SES email address, and your-aws-smtp-username and your-aws-smtp-password with your AWS SMTP credentials.

5. Sending an Email

To send an email using SSMTP, you can use the following command:

echo "Subject: Test Email" | ssmtp recipient@example.com

You can also send a more detailed email by including the email body:

echo -e "Subject: Test Email\n\nThis is the body of the email." | ssmtp recipient@example.com

6. Using SSMTP in Scripts

SSMTP can be integrated into your scripts to automate the sending of emails. Here is a simple example of a script that sends an email notification:


SUBJECT="Backup Completed"
BODY="The backup process has completed successfully."

echo -e "Subject: $SUBJECT\n\n$BODY" | ssmtp $TO

Save this script, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x send_email.sh


  • Authentication Errors: Ensure your SMTP credentials are correct. For Gmail, consider using an App Password.
  • Network Issues: Verify that your server can connect to the SMTP server by checking your network settings and firewall rules.

Sending emails from the Linux command line using SSMTP is a straightforward process. Whether you are using Gmail or Amazon AWS as your SMTP server, this guide provides the necessary steps to configure and use SSMTP for sending emails. Automating email notifications can be a powerful tool for system administration and development workflows.

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