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How to watch Netflix USA from India using VPN ?

Netflix has restricted some video titles based on regions / countries possibly due to different Age group permissions in different countries. But there is a way, that we can watch Netflix titles from another country like USA from being in different country like India using VPN technology.

I know where are different VPN service providers, some are free and some paid but here I will just describe which best works than mentioning experiments, as we tried some free VPN’s but Netflix detects that your are using VPN and blocks the titles.

We tried Paid ExpressVPN and it just worked fine. To get started you will need a valid Debit/Credit card and then register from https://www.expressvpn.com/order

ExpressVPN offers 3 plans, we tried $12.95 one month plan, but you can choose to pay for larger duration by reducing price 6.67$/month if you can pay for 15 months plan.

Once you have successfully paid and are able to login, from https://www.expressvpn.com/sign-in .. if you want to use netflix on Android mobile, all you need is an expressVPN application and Activation code.

After Login from DashBoard you can see “Activation Code” as well and you can click on “Android” as seen below,


It will redirect you to https://www.expressvpn.com/setup#android from where you can find a link to download expressvpn application from Playstore .. but since its possible that this ExpressVPN App may be not supported in your countries playstore.. alternative to that is you download the APK by clicking “Download APK” and install the same on your mobile.


Once installed, you may open the express VPN app from mobile and follow the steps or check the details steps as mentioned in https://www.expressvpn.com/support/vpn-setup/app-for-android/ if any help required.

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