SSHFS is a file system in user space (FUSE) that uses the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to mount a remote file system. The sshfs
command is a client tool for using SSHFS to mount a remote file system from another server locally on your machine.
$ sudo apt-get install sshfs
check what is the current user and add this user to sshfs
$ whoami
$ sudo adduser my_username fuse
Now make the local directory for mounting the remote folder as,
$ mkdir my_localdirectory
Mount the remote directory, using sshfs as,
$ sshfs remote_username@remote_host_ip_or_domainname:/remote_direcory_path/remote_direcory my_localdirectory_path/my_localdirectory
Now, we have mounted remote directory from server to local directory, which we can confirm using mount command as,
$ mount | grep sshfs
remote_username@remote_host_ip_or_domainname:/remote_direcory_path/remote_direcory on my_localdirectory_path/my_localdirectory type fuse.sshfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=my_username)