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How to enable Wifi with yocto

If you want to have WiFi integrated with yocto root filesystem, follow below mentioned steps,

Open file, meta-mylayer/images/mydistro-image.bb and add below mentioned line,


This will add wifi into the root filesystem but unless you have a proper network manager and UI, you will not be able to connect to internet.

So, we will follow manual configuration, so we can connect without network manager,

We will need to change the wpa-supplicant.conf file as below, by modifying poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/wpa-supplicant/wpa-supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf-sane



Compile, the rootfs image “bitbake mydistro-image” which will integrate this conf file into rootfs at /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

Now, we will need to do following things manually to get the internet working properly, [ If you want to Skip all of this manual procedure and want to start WiFi on yocto during boot time refer to this article ]

To Start WPA Supplicant, use below command on terminal,

$ wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

If you now connected with WiFi, but wlan0 still not have IP Assigned,

$ ifconfig wlan0 192.168.X.XXX

Here it depends on whether you use or ( 150 is just example, you can use any IP ), this will assign IP address to wlan0 and you should be able to ping to the router, as

$ ping

If this works and you are not able to ping to “google.com” , check with “route -n” if gateway has IP assinged, if not use following command,

$ route add default gw

Where we assume, is your gateway IP,

Now you should have “ping google.com” working. 🙂 Do share this article if helps you.

Alternatively , you can also enable WiFi by appending conf/local.config as,

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " wpa-supplicant wireless-tools dhcp-client linux-firmware"

8 thoughts on “How to enable Wifi with yocto”

    • This article is only about how you can switch on your RaspberryPi Wireless which you can then connect to hotspot/router and access internet on Raspberry Pi, so this article do not provide details of how you can create RPi as hotspot.

  1. I am lost here, where is this “mydistro” comes from? Is there an article that is a prequel to this one? How to find it?

    • mydistro is basically the distribution you are using.. we have given example with new created distro file, but if you are using any existing metadata, you can check for that image file and add DISTRO_FEATURES option.


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