How to Install ADB and Fastboot on Ubuntu ?

Install ADB on Ubuntu

For installing Android Debug Bridge (adb) command on Ubuntu, type below command on terminal

 $ sudo apt-get install adb 

Above command will also install android-libadb android-libbase android-libcutils android-liblog

$ which adb

You can now check the adb version using command as below,

$ adb version 
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 28.0.2-debian
Installed as /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb

So, as you can see the Ubuntu package manager installs the 28.0.2 ADB version.

But Android always provides latest adb version as part of SDK platform tools. When we wrote this post, the latest version of ADB is 33.0.1 , you can use the latest version by following steps mentioned in “Latest ADB and Fastboot using Android SDK Platform tools

Install Fastboot on Ubuntu

To install fastboot command on Ubuntu, type below command on terminal,

 $ sudo apt-get install fastboot 

Above command also installs ” android-libbacktrace android-libext4-utils android-libf2fs-utils android-libselinux android-libsparse android-libunwind android-libutils android-libziparchive fastboot libf2fs0 “

$ which fastboot

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