To submit your website to Microsoft Bing search engine, so that people can find your website when then visit Bing, mostly using Microsoft Edge browser and on Windows, you need to register to Bing webmaster tools website.
Visit and click on SignIn, you can choose to join using Google gmail login as,
Once signin, you will be presented with the following screen,
here, as you can see.. If your website is already submited and registered with Google Search Console, then you can just import those settings by just a click of “Import” and you will not need to do any site verification, submit sitemap etc..
But if you are just now started with submitting your website to search engine and have not done registration with Google, then you just enter the domain name in right side of above above and click “Add”
Once you click “Add” , you will need to verify that you are the owner of the website, so you can do it in three possible ways as shown below,
once you followed any of the above method to verify your domain ownership, you will see it as successful verification message as,