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How to generate API key for accessing opensource data of Government of India ?

Different departments and institutions of government of India timely publishes the data required for people information through its platform Open Government Data Platform (OGD). OGD is a single-point of access to Datasets/Apps in open format published by Ministries/Departments.

This data is published through common platform https://data.gov.in/ . If you visit the website, you will find lot of API’s available at https://data.gov.in/ogpl_apis . To access this API’s with complete features, the first step we need is to have our own unique API key, which authenticates our registration to portal and provides the access to API’s.

Register to government Portal

Visit https://data.gov.in/ and register with your user credentials. You can also use gmail authentication for registration. While registration and login, you will be asked to provide basic user information to complete your profile.


Once you are successful registered and Logged int data.gov.in portal. From top right corner, click on user icon and from opened new window, click “My Account”


The click on “My Account” will take your profile dashboard where you will see your name and email id. Just below the email id, you will see an option as “Generate Your New API KEY” like below,


Once you click on “Generate Your New API KEY” , the portal will generate an unique API key and will display at the same place.

This is the same final API key which you can use to access the Government of India’s opensource data.

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