How to create git repository in Github ?

GitHub allows you to create your own git repository in their server free of cost, and you can publish this publicly at their website SO basically GitHub is an free hosting platform for your git repositories which you can share with anyone to download/clone or other people can contribute in a distributed development environment.

To create your git repository on github, first thing is you should have an account created on their website. If you have not registered, visit and click on “Sign Up” fill the form and complete registration. After registration Login to your github account from

After login, from top right corner click on + icon and click “New Repository”

Click “New repository”

After this, you will be redirected to url, which shows a form to fill where you would need to mention repository name, description, whether to make this repository public or not and add a default README. Complete the form and click “Create repository”

click on “Create repository”

This will create an empty repository which will only contain README and and it would look like as below. You can find this repository at

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