How to change Android display brightness using adb command ?

We had seen in our previous post “How to change default display timeout settings using adb command ?” how we are able to change the display timeout using the adb commands. In this post, we are going to see how we can change the display / screen brightness using adb command.

First start adb and check what is the current brightness level as,

$ settings get system screen_brightness

As, we can see we got the value as 140. By default Android brightness level is set between 1 and 255. (0 seems disabled from some devices, as it may turn the screen to complete black) .

The minimum value 1 means the screen brightness is mimimum (almost black but still visible) and 255 means display screen is 100% visible with maximum light on display.

Minimum Display Brightness

$ adb shell settings get system screen_brightness

Maximum Display Brightness

$ adb shell settings get system screen_brightness

Set Screen Brightness

Now, we can change the brightness between 1 and 255 as per our requirement using adb command as,

$ adb shell settings put system screen_brightness 200

If we check the same value now,

$ adb shell settings get system screen_brightness

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