adb shell getprop

As we have seen in our another post “commands to Identify Product Model, Serial Number ( Device Information of Android )” we had used getprop command after we accessed shell using adb command.

“getprop” command helps us to know / identify more information about the device as well as what are the run time properties set by this Android device which are accessed by all the applications. Applications make certain decisions based on the these properties which we access using adb shell getprop command.

As described by getprop help,

$ getprop --help                                                                                                                                                                              
usage: getprop [-TZ] [NAME [DEFAULT]]

Gets an Android system property, or lists them all.

-T	Show property types instead of values
-Z	Show property contexts instead of values

Now, we will just show getprop commands output on our Android mobile as,

$ adb shell getprop | grep "ro.product.vendor"
[ro.product.vendor.brand]: [Nokia]
[ro.product.vendor.device]: [B2N_sprout]
[ro.product.vendor.manufacturer]: [HMD Global]
[ro.product.vendor.model]: [Nokia 7 plus]
[]: [Onyx_00WW]

If you just gave “adb shell getprop” it will list all the properties of device, in above command using grep, we just filtered some properties for simple demo.

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