Solved – Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

Recently we switch our internet leased line provider and after that the provider did some configurations to the router I was using, after the network started working and everything was fine, till I tried to “repo sync” Android open source code, I was unable to do the repo sync and got multiple errors like below,

fatal: unable to access '': 
Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

Initially I thought this could be temporary issue, but even after multiple repo sync attempts, issue persisted. So this is what I tried below to avoid this error.


The problem seems to be with some DNS configurations or something hence I disconnected from router and connected to Mobile Hotspot and retried the repo sync and everything worked without any error. ( Basically disconnected from router and used another network provider )

Somehow when I connect to my router, and try ping to “” and “” , I am not able to ping to this two domains, but as soon as I connect to mobile hotspot, I can ping to both this Domains. Tried differnet configurtions in router, also by using OpenDNS, but it didnt worked, but as soon as I connect to hotspot, I can repo sync without any problem, so I am suspecting those websites somehow are blocked by my ISP’s DNS.

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