Note: By following this steps, we could create community on Reddit and post our first post but after some time, reddit banned this community[as shown at the end of this post], so there is something more we need to do. We will update the post once we identify and resolve this.
Reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. On reddit we can find many people sharing your interest and passion for something, so you can create your own community and post topics with your interest and people can participate on this discussion.
In this post, we show you how you can create your owned reddit community.
Login to
From top right corner, click on “+” icon as show below,

Click a drop-down in front of “Choose a community” and you can see a screen as below. Click on “Create New” to create new community.

Select a unique name for your community , as we created a new community “embedded_linux”

Now, you can create the first post in your community as,

Note: by following this steps, we could create community on Reddit and post our first post but after some time, reddit banned this community[as shown at the end of this post], so there is something more we need to do.