adb shell dumpsys audio

The adb shell dumpsys audio command is used to obtain information about the audio subsystem on an Android device. This command provides details about the current state of audio-related settings, active audio streams, connected audio devices, and more.

Here’s how you can use the command:

$ adb shell dumpsys audio

The output will include detailed information about the audio-related settings and configurations on the device. This can be helpful for debugging audio-related issues, checking the status of audio streams, and understanding how the system is handling audio.

You can also redirect the output to a file for further analysis:

$ adb shell dumpsys audio > audio_dump.txt

This will save the output to a file named audio_dump.txt in the current directory.

Keep in mind that the output can be extensive, and interpreting the information may require familiarity with the Android audio subsystem. Always refer to the official Android documentation and relevant resources for a deeper understanding of audio-related settings and configurations.

Using dumpsys commands provides a way to inspect the internal state of various system services on an Android device, which can be valuable for debugging and performance analysis.

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