How to Fix ‘Indirection Requires Pointer Operand’ Error in C/C++ Programming

The error “indirection requires pointer operand (‘float’ invalid)” typically occurs in C or C++ programming when you try to use the dereference operator (*) on a non-pointer variable. In C/C++, dereferencing is only valid for pointer types, so attempting to dereference a variable of type float or any other non-pointer type will result in this error.

Here’s a general guide on how to resolve this issue:

Understanding the Error

  1. Dereferencing Pointers: The dereference operator * is used to access the value at the address stored in a pointer. For example:
   int *ptr;
   int value = *ptr; // Correct usage
  1. Invalid Usage: Trying to dereference a non-pointer variable will cause the error:
   float num;
   float value = *num; // Error: indirection requires pointer operand ('float' invalid)

Common Causes and Fixes

  1. Incorrect Variable Type: Ensure that the variable you are trying to dereference is actually a pointer. For example:
   float num = 10.0;
   float *ptr = # // Correct
   float value = *ptr; // Correct usage
  1. Typo or Misuse: Check for typos where you might have mistakenly used a non-pointer variable instead of a pointer. For example:
   float num = 10.0;
   float *ptr = # // Correct
   float value = *ptr; // Correct usage
  1. Function Return Types: If you’re trying to dereference the result of a function, ensure the function returns a pointer type:
   float* getPointer() {
       static float value = 10.0;
       return &value;

   float *ptr = getPointer(); // Correct
   float value = *ptr; // Correct usage
  1. Array Access: Remember that arrays in C/C++ are treated as pointers to their first element, so you can use array indexing to access elements:
   float arr[5] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
   float value = arr[0]; // Correct usage

Example of Correct Usage

Here’s a complete example demonstrating correct usage of pointers with float:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float num = 10.5;
    float *ptr = &num; // Pointer to float

    // Accessing the value via pointer
    printf("Value of num: %.2f\n", *ptr);

    return 0;


  • Ensure you are using the dereference operator * with pointers only.
  • Double-check that variables you intend to dereference are of pointer types.
  • Review your code for any typos or incorrect variable types.

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