Implementing filtering against query parameters for viewsets in DRF


This post is related to / in continuation with “Writing class based Views in Django REST Framework” … Read more

How to change python version in Ubuntu ?

If you have more than one python version installed like below, here, as you can see we … Read more

How to show Bootstrap Modal dialog on click of Button in html

The following example shows the simple button, upon clicking which we tries to show simple modal dialog. … Read more

Solved: TypeError: object is not iterable

When we were writing the filters for the Django REST framework to get JSON objects based on … Read more

How to delete single and multiple objects in Django / DRF

This post is related to or in continuation with our previous post “Writing class based Views in … Read more

Writing class based Views in Django REST Framework

This post is in continuation with our previous post “Developing REST API using functions in DRF application … Read more

Solved: __init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

As we have seen previously, Django Rest Framework supports writing of views in two ways, 1. Function … Read more

Using status codes in Django Response to make it better readable

This post is in continuation with our another post “Developing REST API using functions in DRF application … Read more