How to work with Single Container Ubuntu image in Docker ?

As described in previous post “How to run Ubuntu 18.04 in docker container ?” once you have … Read more

How to save / commit changes to docker image ?

This post is in continuation with our previous post, “How to run Ubuntu 18.04 in docker container … Read more

How to run Ubuntu 18.04 in docker container ?

This post is in continuation with previous post “How to install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 ?” , … Read more

How to install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 ?

Install Docker

The steps below shows how to install docker on x86_64 bit Ubuntu desktop and have independent Ubuntu … Read more

How to enable SSH login using WHM in VPS hosting ?


If you want to enable SSH access to user other than root, you will need to login … Read more

How to check CentOS version ?

Recently we changed our hosting server to CentOS VPS, where we got the access to root user, … Read more

What is Python ?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax … Read more

How to compile TR-069 Java client Modus-TR-069 on Ubuntu Linux ?

Modus is a Java/OSGi implementation of a generic client for CWMP protocol, i.e. TR-069 standard from Broadband … Read more

Using cURL to do http GET and POST with JSON and XML data

In our lot of posts here in this website like “Send data using http POST from client … Read more