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How to Write a C Program in Linux to Find the Current Working Directory (PWD)

In Linux, knowing the current working directory (CWD) is crucial for navigating the file system. The command-line equivalent to check the current working directory is pwd. However, in C programming, you can achieve this using the getcwd() function. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through writing a C program that retrieves and displays the current working directory in a Linux environment. This tutorial will be beginner-friendly, making it easy for anyone with basic C knowledge to understand.

Why Retrieve the Current Working Directory in C?

Sometimes when working with file paths in a C program, you need to know your program’s current directory to correctly access files or execute commands. Using getcwd(), a standard library function, simplifies the process by providing the absolute path of the working directory.

The getcwd() Function in C

The getcwd() function is part of the <unistd.h> library in C. It allows you to retrieve the current working directory of the program.

Syntax of getcwd()

char *getcwd(char *buffer, size_t size);
  • buffer: A character array that will store the path.
  • size: The maximum length of the path string (including the null character).

The function returns a pointer to the buffer containing the current working directory if successful. If it fails, it returns NULL.

Example C Program to Find the Current Working Directory (PWD)

Here’s a simple example of how to use getcwd() to find and display the current working directory in a Linux environment:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main() {
    char cwd[PATH_MAX];

    if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL) {
        printf("Current working directory: %s\n", cwd);
    } else {
        perror("getcwd() error");

    return 0;

Explanation of the Program:

  1. Include Necessary Libraries: The program includes <stdio.h> for input/output operations, <unistd.h> for the getcwd() function, and <limits.h> for PATH_MAX.
  2. Declare a Buffer: The cwd array is declared with a size of PATH_MAX, which is the maximum number of bytes in a pathname.
  3. Call getcwd(): The function getcwd() is called with the cwd buffer. If the current working directory is successfully retrieved, it is printed. Otherwise, the program prints an error message using perror().
  4. Display Result: The program outputs the current working directory path.


The PATH_MAX constant, defined in <limits.h>, represents the maximum length of a valid path. It’s best practice to use PATH_MAX for the buffer size when working with file paths to avoid buffer overflows.

Handling Errors with getcwd()

If getcwd() fails, it returns NULL. This could happen if the provided buffer is too small or if the current directory is inaccessible. In our example, we use perror() to display an error message when getcwd() fails, which is useful for debugging.

Sample Output:

Current working directory: /home/user/projects

If an error occurs, you might see:

getcwd() error: No such file or directory

Use Case: Working with File Paths

Knowing the current working directory can be useful when working with file paths. For example, when opening files in C, it is important to provide the correct relative or absolute path. By retrieving the CWD, you can ensure your program accesses the right file locations.


The getcwd() function is an essential tool in C programming for determining the current working directory in Linux. By understanding how to use this function, you can write more flexible and robust programs that interact with the file system. Try implementing the code above to familiarize yourself with how C programs can navigate and manage directories.

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