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Debugging Functions in C Defined in Different Files Using GDB: A Step-by-Step Guide

When developing complex C programs, it’s common to spread code across multiple files for better organization and readability. However, debugging such programs can sometimes be tricky, especially when you need to debug functions defined in another file. Fortunately, GNU Debugger (GDB) offers powerful tools that make debugging across multiple files straightforward.

In this post, we’ll walk through how to use GDB to debug functions defined in different files in C, focusing on a simple, human-readable explanation to ensure that anyone can follow along. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will help you get comfortable with GDB in multi-file projects.

Why Use Multiple Files in C?

In C, splitting code into multiple files helps manage complexity, making it easier to maintain and understand the codebase. A typical setup might involve:

  1. Header files (.h) – Contain function prototypes, constants, and macros.
  2. Source files (.c) – Contain function definitions and logic.

For example, you might have one file (math_functions.c) that defines functions and another (main.c) that calls those functions.

The Setup: A Simple Multi-File C Program

To demonstrate GDB debugging, let’s create a simple multi-file C program.

File: math_functions.h

This is the header file that declares the functions.


int add(int a, int b);
int multiply(int a, int b);


File: math_functions.c

This is the source file that defines the functions.

#include "math_functions.h"

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int multiply(int a, int b) {
    return a * b;

File: main.c

This file calls the functions from math_functions.c.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "math_functions.h"

int main() {
    int a = 5, b = 3;

    int sum = add(a, b);
    int product = multiply(a, b);

    printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);
    printf("Product: %d\n", product);

    return 0;

Compiling the Program

To compile the program, you’ll need to compile both files together:

gcc -g -o program main.c math_functions.c

The -g flag enables debugging information, which is necessary for GDB.

Step-by-Step: Using GDB to Debug Functions in Another File

Now that we have our multi-file C program, let’s use GDB to debug it.

1. Start GDB

First, run the following command to start GDB and load your program:

gdb ./program

This command launches GDB and loads your compiled executable.

2. Set Breakpoints

Breakpoints are essential for stopping the program’s execution at specific points. To set a breakpoint in a different file, you can specify both the file name and the line number or function name.

Setting a Breakpoint in main.c:

To set a breakpoint at the beginning of main():

(gdb) break main

Setting a Breakpoint in math_functions.c:

To set a breakpoint inside the add() function (defined in math_functions.c):

(gdb) break math_functions.c:add

This tells GDB to stop execution when the add function is called, regardless of where it’s called from.

3. Run the Program

After setting the breakpoints, you can run the program using the run command:

(gdb) run

The program will run until it hits the first breakpoint, which in this case is main().

4. Step Into Functions

To debug a function defined in another file, use the step command to move into function calls line by line.

For example, if the program is paused at the line that calls add(a, b) in main.c, you can step into the add function by typing:

(gdb) step

GDB will move into the add() function, even though it’s defined in math_functions.c. This allows you to see how the function is executed.

5. Inspect Variables

Once inside a function, you can inspect the values of variables using the print command. For example:

(gdb) print a
(gdb) print b

This shows the current values of a and b at that point in the program.

6. Continue or Step Over

To continue running the program after stepping through a function, use the continue command:

(gdb) continue

If you don’t want to step into every function, use the next command to step over function calls instead:

(gdb) next

Debugging Across Multiple Files in GDB: A Summary

In summary, debugging functions in different files with GDB requires only a few additional steps compared to debugging a single-file program. By using GDB’s ability to set breakpoints in specific files and functions, you can easily step into and debug functions defined in other source files.

Here are the key GDB commands we covered:

  • break file:line – Set a breakpoint at a specific line in a file.
  • break file:function – Set a breakpoint at the start of a function in another file.
  • run – Run the program.
  • step – Step into a function.
  • next – Step over a function.
  • print – Inspect the value of a variable.
  • continue – Continue running the program after hitting a breakpoint.

Debugging multi-file programs may seem daunting at first, but with GDB, you have the tools to make the process much smoother and more effective.

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